Yash Arya

Product Engineer & Developer




Designed a flexible pipeline for seamless review management, integrating with external APIs.

Engineered an efficient algorithm for categorizing and prioritizing customer reviews based on relevance and sentiment.

FitSight Project


Employed Flask to serve a RESTful API complemented by React for dynamic front-end interactions.

Leveraged a combination of NLTK, Pandas, and LLMS algorithms to extract valuable insights from data

Google, Yelp and Facebook API's to scrape organization data

ExploreAble Project


Developed a web application that uses indoor 3D mapping to help visually impaired individuals navigate indoor spaces.

Implemented Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech services to allow users to have seamless interactions.

Collaborated with MappedIn developers to suggest features and get feedback about the application

SpectrumAI Project


Developed a web application that allows user to receive news updates while being aware of present bias.

Implemented ChatGPT API to rank and gather biasness in different news sources